New Year’s Resolutions for Electric Utilities, Happy 2017!

Date: 26 Dec 2016 | posted in: Energy, Energy Self Reliant States | 0 Facebooktwitterredditmail

The turn of the year is a perfect time for monopoly electric utilities nationwide to reflect on their substandard policies and embrace changes that will bring cleaner, more affordable energy to their customers. By finally committing to truly support distributed generation and renewables, these utilities can ensure their customers will have the choice and freedom they deserve in an evolving energy economy.

In 2017, fair-minded and forward-thinking monopoly electric utility CEOs will resolve…

…to not impose fixed fees that undermine the value of customer-owned renewable generation.

…to not stop customers from installing solar.

…to encourage engagement among member-owners if the utility is a cooperative.

…to be honest with my customers about the proven benefits of distributed solar power.

…to recognize that the traditional utility business model is outdated, and to find new ways to support customer choice.

…to maximize demand response and energy efficiency before building out new capacity.

…to support inclusive financing to allow universal access to efficiency upgrades and on-site renewables.

…to support local jobs by encouraging renewable energy and energy efficiency installations.

…to seek new business models that align my financial interest with that of utility customers.

…to focus more on the benefits for utility customers, rather than the profits of utility shareholders.

Share the infographic below, or the individual resolutions above, to tell electric utilities that valuing renewable energy is good for their customers, good for their business, and good for the United States’ grid.

Created by Nick Stumo-Langer

This article originally posted at For timely updates, follow John Farrell or Karlee Weinmann on Twitter or get the Energy Democracy weekly update.

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Karlee Weinmann

Karlee Weinmann was a research associate for ILSR’s Energy Democracy initiative. She produced reports that spotlighted best practices in an evolving energy economy.