Neil Seldman Weighs In On D.C.’s Zero Waste Bill In Waste Dive

Date: 15 Nov 2019 | posted in: Media Coverage | 0 Facebooktwitterredditmail

In the News: Neil Seldman

November 11, 2019

Media Outlet: Waste Dive

Waste Dive takes a closer look at D.C.’s new zero waste bill and how it will require consumers, businesses, and industries to change their approach to waste management. Neil Seldman, ILSR’s Waste to Wealth Initiative Director, expresses his support for the bill, but also highlights some drawbacks of the legislation. He explains how the structural barriers prevent recycling from being effective in D.C. and why the city should first focus on these issues.

Here’s an excerpt:

“The proposal “is a good bill” but it ultimately “misses the main point of what’s wrong with recycling” in the city. I approve of the measures suggested in the proposed bill, but I would prefer that the city council and the DPW focused on the major structural changes that need to be made in the city to make recycling work.”

Read the full story here.
