Energy Democracy Media Roundup — Week of May 28, 2018

Date: 29 May 2018 | posted in: Energy | 0 Facebooktwitterredditmail

This week in Energy Democracy news:
A landmark ruling in California mandates that every new home has to be built with solar panels, which is expected to lower the cost of homeownership; a 2017 Year-End update features the size of each state’s solar market and the corresponding share of distributed solar which is represented by a pie chart; an Edison Electric Institute survey demonstrates Maryland residents support for the expansion of electric vehicle charging infrastructure; Michigan lawmakers will conduct a hearing, which will bring community solar for residents, nonprofit organizations, and other constituents; State regulators in Minnesota are introducing an incentive payment to address a new rate for community solar projects; Pittsburgh continues to be a leader of energy innovation with about 20 distributed energy and the implementation of nanogrid and microgrid projects; “Rush to Gas” may cost people billions; and a report on the US Power System.… Read More