Ron Knox’s Music-Monopoly Reporting is a Hit

Date: 24 May 2021 | posted in: Retail | 0 Facebooktwitterredditmail

Ron Knox’s groundbreaking Wired article — on monopoly power in the music industry — struck a chord. He’s talked to Sound & Vision, Sound Opinions, and Capitol Forum, to name a few audiences, about the monopolization of record labels, streaming services, and the live venues where artists perform. Consolidation benefits only the blockbuster musicians, leaving thousands of artists, and the independent businesses that support them, on the shelf.… Read More

Big Retailers Seek Exclusive Deals on Books and Albums

Date: 8 Oct 2008 | posted in: Retail | 0 Facebooktwitterredditmail

When a small publisher recently agreed to let be the exclusive seller of a new book about Barack Obama, the deal sparked a flurry of protest from independent booksellers and provided new evidence that the e-commerce giant intends to leverage its power as a retailer to gain more control over the production and distribution of books.… Read More