A Tale of Two Equities
Can we center equity in climate and clean energy policy if private utilities center shareholder equity?
Can we center equity in climate and clean energy policy if private utilities center shareholder equity?
ILSR's co-directors reflect on the election results and how our history as an organization informs the path forward.
Out of the legislative fight over the nuclear plant next door, Prairie Island Indian Community is building its own net zero energy future, on part...
In part two of our special series, Seven Hundred Yards, we find out why the nuclear waste “temporarily” stored on Prairie Island is still there...
ILSR’s blockbuster report exposes investor-owned utilities as an abusive monopoly harming our communities, climate, and democracy.
Energy democracy implies an energy system that is democratic, where decisions are made by the users of energy.
Prairie Island community members and experts explain how powerful players allowed a nuclear plant to be built less than 700 yards away from the Native...
This graphic lays out the investor-owned utility model and how utilities maximize profits at the expense of their customers, use money to gain political power,...
Transmission lines are slow and expensive to build. This commentary by John Farrell proposes three faster, cheaper, and more efficient tools that could help the...
Electric utilities recently admitted that they often misrepresent the cost of solar energy to serve their own profit interests.… Read More
20 states have policies allowing some form of community renewable energy. This quarterly update (2023 Q1) shows the capacity built in seven states: Colo., Ill.,...
ILSR’s new report, Advantage Local: Why Local Energy Ownership Matters, breaks down how locally owned clean energy can maximize economic benefits for households and communities...
20 states have policies allowing some form of community renewable energy. This quarterly update (2022 Q4) shows the capacity built in seven states: Colo., Ill.,...
How and why private utilities make interconnection — connecting clean energy to the grid — so difficult, and policies to make it easier.
Today the Institute for Local Self-Reliance was joined by joined by 24 utility justice, consumer advocate, and environmental organizations in submitting comments urging the Energy...