2025 Extension Composter Course Pilot in Montgomery County, Maryland
ILSR in collaboration with partners in Maryland has developed a pilot composter course for anyone interested in supporting composting initiatives in their communities.
ILSR in collaboration with partners in Maryland has developed a pilot composter course for anyone interested in supporting composting initiatives in their communities.
ILSR’s Composting for Community policy team has once again worked with Maryland Delegate Boyce to introduce the Solid Waste Disposal Surcharge and Wasted Food Reduction...
Community composters continue to assert themselves as a growing and integral sector within the composting industry. At the COMPOST2025 Annual Conference and Tradeshow, hosted by...
In this webinar, grassroots leaders discuss how to maximize the benefits of clean energy for communities through local ownership.
On March 4th in Decorah, Iowa, residents will once again cast their ballots on creating a municipal electric utility.
Interviews with solar installers show how inconsistent and resource-intensive local government permitting processes make it harder for Minnesotans to go solar.
ILSR outlines the economy-strengthening benefits of city and state partnerships with local independent business alliances.
Ohio Statehouse Rep. Tristan Rader joins the Building Local Power podcast to discuss Cleveland, labor, energy, and thinking local from the statehouse.
Andrew Van Dam of the Washington Post's Department of Data explores the numbers behind American Small businesses with help from ILSR's Stacy Mitchell
The federal BEAD program should not repeat past policy mistakes and waste billions of dollars delivering subpar Internet access to households at higher prices.
SolarShare Wisconsin Cooperative’s model allows anyone in the state to invest in local solar projects.
Explore ILSR’s interactive map of 18 state policies that help or hinder local clean energy action.
In this webinar, three food scrap composters share tips and lessons learned about cutting contamination in their finished compost.
ILSR's Sue Holmberg discusses her Power Play report, which outlines the ways monopolies exploit systemic racism and how communities can fight back.
A quick explanation of New York's Affordable Broadband Act, including what it doesn, why it was enacted, and what it means for ISPs and households.