Big Tech’s AI Appetite and the Threat of Monopolies to Consumers
How consumers pay for the sweetheart electricity deals given by monopoly utilities to tech giants on multibillion-dollar data center expansions.
How consumers pay for the sweetheart electricity deals given by monopoly utilities to tech giants on multibillion-dollar data center expansions.
ILSR co-director, John Farrell, discusses his recent report on the costs imposed on society from granting private exclusive power over the public resource of electricity.
ILSR co-director, John Farrell, urges boldness from city leaders in energy utility negotiations to extend service agreement that expires at year's end.
Utilities often oppose customer-driven, third-party-owned energy projects like community solar because they threaten to supplant utility investments and utility shareholder profits.
John Farrell argues that the profit motives and shareholder allegiance of Xcel energy requires skepticism of their community solar claims.
Investor-owned utilities have been at the forefront of numerous political scandals and ecological disasters. There is an alternative.
In this commentary from the Minneapolis StarTribune, John Farrell makes a case against monopoly utilities using customer funds for political lobbying. Compelling captive customers to...
In the Minnesota Reformer, ILSR Co-Director and Director of the Energy Democracy Initiative John Farrell writes about how Minnesota state regulators need to enact stricter...
In MinnPost, ILSR Co-Director John Farrell and Patty O’Keefe, organizing representative at the Sierra Club North Star Chapter, published an op-ed regarding Xcel Energy’s 15-year...
ILSR’s John Farrell writes this commentary for Greentech Media on the current attacks that are coming in on all sides on the PURPA law that...
Our own Energy Democracy initiative director John Farrell penned this article for MinnPost‘s Community Voices section about the benefits of the state’s community solar program,...
Wall Street Journal, November 15, 2015 What’s going to happen when a huge incentive to invest in solar power shrinks or vanishes? At the end of...