ILSR’s Neil Seldman Breaks Down Recycling Crisis for Governing Magazine

Date: 18 Oct 2018 | posted in: Media Coverage, Waste to Wealth | 0 Facebooktwitterredditmail

In the News: Neil Seldman

August 20, 2018

Media Outlet: Governing Magazine

Neil Seldman, ILSR’s co-founder and the Director of the Waste to Wealth Program authored an article for Governing Magazine. Neil breaks down why there’s reason to be hopeful despite the drastic import restrictions on recycled materials that China recently imposed. He explains how this is an important opportunity for American cities to improve their recycling operations and what local governments can do to keep recycling viable.

Here is an excerpt:

Cities can and should do much more to weather this storm and become resilient against future challenges than simply telling Americans that they don’t know how to recycle. Recycling is not crashing, and it is not disappearing. Even as cities’ recycling operations become more costly, on a per-ton basis recycling and composting can be one-third cheaper than disposal via landfill or incinerator.

Read the full story here.
