Please join us for the Philadelphia Community Compost Network Public Meeting
Date: Thursday, November 14, 2019
Time: 6-8 p.m. (doors open 5:30 p.m.)
Location: Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, 100 N 20th St, Philadelphia, PA 19103 (ADA Accessible; ASL interpretation provided if requested prior to the meeting)
Learn how you and your neighbors can convert your food scraps, fall leaves, and yard trimmings into compost – a valuable soil amendment – for your gardens and yards.
The community meeting will introduce the Philadelphia Parks and Recreation (PPR) new Community Compost Network and explain how you can get involved. Presenters will include the PPR, the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, and Penn State Extension.
Participants will:
- Experience an interactive introduction to compost and how it’s made;
- Learn about future opportunities for composting training;
- Hear from representatives from the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society and Penn State Extension discuss their respective composting activities and resources.
Community composting can serve residents typically for free or low cost, and this community-based effort fosters a culture of environmental and social well-being in the city. This not only creates a unified effort to decrease waste and greenhouse gases citywide, but it also improves soil quality while supporting new and existing spaces for communities to come together through environmental stewardship.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Region III is providing funding support for the composting training.
Register here.
For more information, contact: Ash Richards at [email protected].