Holly Springs, a town of about 25,000 in the Triangle region of North Carolina, has built its own network to connect community anchor institutions and has an interest in using it to spur economic development and other community benefits but a 2011 law pushed by Time Warner Cable makes some of that more difficult.
City IT Director Jeff Wilson joined me for episode 107 of the Community Broadband Bits podcast. We discussed why they decided to build a municipal network and how they have just finished the actual build.
We also discuss the savings they anticpate from owning the network and how local residents were hopeful that the network could be expanded to connect homes and businesses before learning that state law restricted them from doing that.
Read our additional coverage of Holly Springs.
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This show is 13 minutes long and can be played below on this page or via iTunes or via the tool of your choice using this feed.
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Thanks to Waylon Thornton for the music, licensed using Creative Commons. The song is “Bronco Romp.”